Udyam Registration
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Essential RBI Packaged for MSMEs

The role of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) cannot be overlooked in the economy of a country. It generates employees, enhances GDP as well as industrial development. Despite its major role, they have to overcome various issues like poor management and financial stress. Yet to encourage the growth and revival of the MSME sector, the RBI Committee On MSME has implemented a group package of measures aimed at providing liquidity, credit support, and regulatory relief. Through this blog, we will dig into the RBI package for MSMEs and understand how it is supporting the rebuilding of this vital sector.

Liquidity Support

No wonder, the RBI has taken numerous steps to ensure satisfactory liquidity for MSMEs. It presented the Targeted Long-Term Repo Operations (TLTRO) scheme, providing reserves to banks at low-interest rates, particularly for lending to MSMEs. Besides, the Reserve Bank's liquidity intake through open market operations. Through this RBI measures to improve the flow of credit to small businesses have been instrumental in soothing the liquidity crunch faced by MSMEs during these challenging times. The scheme of liquidity has helped businesses satisfy their working capital requirements, pay wages, and resume operations, thereby aiding their recovery.

Credit Support

Under this scheme, RBI manages to identify the urgent requirement for credit availability (1). Also, the RBI Committee On MSME has raised various measures to facilitate easy and reasonable credit for MSMEs. It launched the Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS). This scheme provides collateral-free credit to eligible MSME owners. The scheme not only offers financial offerings but also ensures that credit is provided at reasonable interest rates. Furthermore, the RBI has provided regulatory tolerance, allowing banks to restructure MSME loans without categorising them as non-performing assets. This flexibility has loosened the burden on MSMEs and facilitated them to access credit on complimentary terms.

Regulatory Relief

To ease the compliance obligation on MSMEs, the RBI has introduced several regulatory reliefs and relaxations. The RBI moratorium on term loans and postponement of interest charges have provided much-needed breathing space to small businesses struggling with cash flow challenges. The central bank has also diminished the risk weightage on MSME loans. This makes it more engaging for banks to loan to these enterprises. Moreover, the RBI has enabled the integration of MSMEs into the formal financial system by enabling online MSME registration and creating a framework for bill discounting platforms. These initiatives have facilitated processes, reduced paperwork, and improved access to financial services for MSMEs.


The RBI's package for MSMEs has been instrumental in supplying the necessary support to rejuvenate and authorise small businesses during these remarkable times. The blend of liquidity support, credit assistance, and regulatory relief benchmarks has acted as a motivation in helping MSMEs overcome financial challenges, sustain operations, and resume growth. Through this RBI wants to facilitate access to affordable credit, ease compliance requirements, and enhance liquidity. The RBI has created an enabling environment for the MSME sector to flourish. It is crucial to give credit to the role of MSMEs in India's economic recovery and continue to support and nurture this vibrant sector for long-term sustainable growth. To enjoy all this RBI package for MSMEs, firms must register themselves under the Udyam Registration. With these packages, RBI has tried to resolve the problems of MSMEs.

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